Sunday, September 6, 2009

Zealousness & What Happens to Those who Steal What is God's?

God is merciful and He teaches us, His children, to be merciful too.

But if not for Him, I would hang those who steal what belongs to God in the same passion as Phineas put a spear* through the body of a Moabite princess and a Hebrew prince in full public view who violated God's command for Israelites not to have relations with peoples of other nations.

That means I would hang even my own relatives rather than steal from the Most High.

Goodness gracious, you should be ashamed, repent, and resign immediately!

Woe unto to those who subscribes to Filipino tradition and protect this person, regardless of your position and stature, by keeping silent and letting this pass as if nothing happened, and thus disrespect His words!

May the Lord our God have mercy on that person and those who protect him by keeping silent.

For I have no mercy for all of those involved, whether by stealing or silence.

Thus, the blind will lead their fellow blind and fall into a cliff.

*- Numbers 25

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